Facebook Ads

Create all Facebook Ads without any hassle of repeated uploads and maximize your returns using Automatic budgets.

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Ad Creation

Create different ads systematically & intuitively with the click of a button.

  • Pick from any of the four ad formats – Newsfeed, Carousel, Slideshow & Video Ads.
  • Create product videos along with their ads quickly.
  • Multiple templates for creating videos.


Eliminate repetitive tasks by automating essential functions.

  • Remove out of stock products from your ads.
  • Automatic sync with the catalogue. No hassle of uploading pictures or resizing them according to Facebook guidelines.
  • Create automated ads for smart categories like Top selling, Most viewed, High-value products.


Automatic optimisation to ensure allocation of budgets to best-performing adsets.

  • Budgets optimized regularly on the basis of performance.
  • Targeting only the most relevant audiences to ensure your money isn’t wasted.
  • Targeting audiences on the basis of their funnel stages such as product views, add to cart, checkout, purchases.


See detailed metrics of all your ads to identify the best-performing ones along with daily reporting of impressions, clicks, add to carts, spend, sales and sale amount.

  • Insights into performance at ad, placement and adset level.
  • Compare the performance of campaigns with previous periods based on Add to Cart to Purchase Ratio.
  • Get a detailed view of the funnel to analyse performance at each stage of the customer journey

Types of Facebook Ad Automation





Custom Ads

Custom ads help you promote a sale or an offer by either picking from product catalogue or by uploading custom images. They can be any of the following:

  • Carousel Ads
  • Canvas Ads
  • News Feed
  • Video Ads




Smart Ads

AdYogi algorithm helps you to choose the best performing products and show them to the right target audience. The platform automatically creates ads on the basis of the performance of different products split into various headings like:

  • Most Viewed Products
  • High Value Products
  • Most Selling Products




Dynamic Ads

These ads let you convert website traffic and page audience into shoppers by showing them exact products they viewed, added to cart or purchased on your website.

Schedule a call

Our goal at AdYogi is to help our clients capitalize on delivering personalized ads with automated prospecting, retargeting and cross-selling using cutting-edge technology, to drive sales

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